Community Support
Our Special Needs Program ensures the proper and effective care and safety of your special needs loved ones. Complete this simple form and have your loved one entered into our system. This will help our deputies handle an encounter with someone with a disability properly. Anyone with Autism, Hearing or Speach Impairment, Blind or Vision Impairment, Dementia, Alzheimer's, or any other special needs would benefit greatly from this program.
The St. Landry Parish Sheriff's Department is the proud supporter of
the Elderly Services and Crime Victim Unit, TRIAD, and D.A.R.E.
The Elderly Services and Crime Victim Unit focuses on preventing and investigating crimes against the elderly. You can also anonymously
report a case of suspected elderly abuse to the State Governor’s
Office of Elderly Protection at 1-800-898-4910. For more information regarding this program please contact Ashley Barbier at (337) 948-6516 or at abarbier@slpsheriff.comcplatt@slpsheriff.com.
Another program we are proud to support is the TRIAD program It is designed to provide the elderly residents of St. Landry Parish proper information needed to protect themselves from predators and scams that take advantage of the elderly. It also gives the elderly an avenue for assistance in their needs, whatever it may be. The officers involved in this program, go to the elderly people's residence and check on their well being periodically to ensure they are safe and provide assistance as needed. Contact Major Eddie Thibodaux pio@slpsheriff.com.
This is a unit designed to allow Officers to go into the schools to educate our children about drugs and its effects on society. D.A.R.E. provides programs for the children to participate in activities allowing them to feel a sense of accomplishment in the effort to keep our schools drug free. The Sheriff’s Department has two full time D.A.R.E officers who teach approximately 3,800 students grades K- 4th grade. Along with graduating approximately 1000 5th grade students who complete an intense 12 week program Finally, there is our D.A.R.E. program, t
teaching them about the dangers of drugs and teaching them good decision making skills for life. Sheriff Guidroz is also a member of the Louisianan D.A.R.E advisory board, appointed by Governor Bobby Jindal.