MAJ Brian Hundley
Phone: (337) 948-5872
Email: bhundley@slpsheriff.com
The Patrol Department of the Office of Operational Services is led by Deputy Chief David Meche and MAJ Brian Hundley. The Patrol Department is responsible for responding to all complaints that come into the St Landry Parish Sheriff's Department, patrolling parish roads, and conducting security checks on businesses both during operation and after hours, as well as security checks at residents. The main office as well as the parish's four substations have patrolmen assigned 24/7.
The Sheriff’s Department has 45 patrol deputies and 4 Levee Patrol Deputies. These deputies are equipped with 4-wheel drive trucks and ATV vehicles. Their main duties are to patrol the most rural parts of the parish where patrol cars may have trouble getting to, such as levees, hunting clubs, recreation areas and camps. They also handle complaints as needed.