A Lifetime of Law Enforcement Experience
State Trooper
Sheriff Guidroz has over 40 years of experience in the field of law-enforcement and criminal justice with a record of continuous dedicated service, achievement, and professional advancement in a complex environment.
As a Louisiana State Trooper Bobby Guidroz attained the rank of Lieutenant, and held positions as the Supervisor of State Police Uniform, Gaming Enforcement, Criminal and Administrative Investigative Sections, State Police Spokesperson and Supervisor of the Public Affairs Information Section.
As the Supervisor of Public Affairs, Sheriff Guidroz, had the honor of conducting countless speaking appearances throughout the state presenting safety programs and lectures to the construction industry, petroleum industry, various levels of the educational system, and many civic, business, and professional organizations.
Sheriff Guidroz was elected as Vice President of the Louisiana State Trooper's Association. Additionally he was also nominated by the Louisiana State Police Superintendent to attend the FBI National Academy in Qunatico, Virginia.
Sheriff Guidroz was elected to the Port Barre City Council in 1977 at the age of twenty-three, and has been recognized as Police Officer of the Year by the Port Barre American Legion Post.
Additionally, Sheriff Guidroz transformed the St. Landry Parish Sheriff's into a more streamlined, professional, technologically advanced law enforcement agency.
Purchased and modernized the Old Belmont Academy and converted into a new Public Safety Complex with no new taxes.
Education and Training
Graduated from Port Barre High School in 1972.
Attended Louisiana State University at Eunice
Graduated from the Louisiana State Police Training Academy 1979 (600 Hours)
Graduated FBI National Academy (177th Session) (720 Hours)
DWI Supervision / Instructor (40 Hours)
State Police Criminal Patrols Techniques (40 Hours)
First Aid for State Troopers (24 Hours)
Management Development Program Level 1 (32 Hours)
Management Development Program Level 2 (32 Hours)
Management Development Program Level 3 (32 Hours)
State Police Advanced Technical Accident Investigation (80 Hours)
State Police Firearms, Defensive Tactics Training (24 Hours)
Undercover Investigative Techniques, Federal Law Enforcement Center (80 Hours)
Department of Treasury, Wagering Training (40 Hours)
Undercover Investigative Training (32 Hours)
ATF Undercover Investigative Training (80 Hours)
W.H. Harris Gambling Investigations Training (24 Hours)
Broward County Sheriff's Office Syndicate Gambling School (24 Hours)
Broward County Sheriff's Office Illegal Gambling Operations (40 Hours)
Louisiana State Police Criminal Investigations Course (40 Hours)
Investigative Research Techniques (40 Hours)
Casino Gambling and Bingo Operations (16 Hours)
Federal Emergency Management Communications School (8 Hours)
Basic Skills and Effective Communications Course (32 Hours)
Safety Education Officers School (40 Hours)
FBI National Academy Re-trainer (24 Hours)
Advanced Criminal Investigations School (24 Hours)
Northwestern University Traffic Institute, Supervision of Police Personnel (80 Hours)
Interrogation / Interview School (40 Hours)
Financial Investigative School (24 Hours)